7 Stone Chakra Kit with Handsewn Fabric Pouch
New Item! Since my crystal healing journey began with Avalon Crystals, I have always wanted to offer high quality hand sewn ‘Seven Stone Ch
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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I would like to take a moment to thank you and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. It is the time of year when we start thinking about...
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What is Reiki?
REIKI THE HEALING ART Reiki is an ancient healing art that has been around for thousands of years. In the early 1920's a spiritual man,...
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Crystal Healing Lay-out to Aid Assimilation, Digestion and Weight Loss
Want to learn how to feel better by using crystals for healing? I wrote this article on how to do just that! Explore the new ways of losin
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Healing issues of Karma and Improving Self-Image
The stones we are using for this healing stone exercise are listed below, you can find everything you need at http://www.avaloncrystals.c...
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Satellite Quartz Crystals
This is a new crystal to the healing world, mined in Indonesia. These quartz crystals have inclusions of colorful Dumortierite. Generally...
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Thoughts on Purpose
Dear Friends, I would like to take this time to say 'Thank you' to all of you who have subscribed to my Avalon Crystals healing BLOG! My...
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Powerful Amazing Boji Stones
What Are Boji Stones & What are they Used for? Boji Stones are round or oval stones which come in pairs; male and female. The male stone...
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