I am happy to offer you these fantastic Natural, NOT Polished Iron Pyrite Eggs. The Egg Shaped stone is used for new beginnings, lets new life be created, and allows for new experiences to come into your life. The egg shape is also used to enhance creativity. They can be placed on your altar to bring 'fertility'. Iron Pyrite is also known as 'fools gold' for it often fooled the early gold miners. Iron Pyrite crystals are used as amulets by the North American Indians who believe in the magical powers of this protective stone. Iron Pyrite is a very protective stone on all levels. Should be carried when performing dangerous work. Pyrite is also a mental stone, used to stimulate the powers of the intellect.
Natural Iron Pyrite Egg-4
Metaphysical Properties- Pyrite is another highly protective stone, blocking or shielding you from negative energies from people, places and things. Some like to use Pyrite to stimulate the intellect, recalling information when you need it the most. Good for those of us who can be forgetful. On the physical level, Pyrite can be used in the treatment and healing of all bone and cell diseases. A good protection against flu and the common cold. If you are a caregiver use the energies of pyrite to protect you from any harmful disease and germs associated with your work.
Numerology- Vibrates to the number 3. Creativity and Joy!
Gemological Properties-An Iron Sulfide (FeS2) which belongs to the Isometric or cubic crystal system. Found predominately in cubes, pyritohedrons, sometimes octahedral and more rarely, distorted octahedral crystals. It is also seen in the drusy formation and often as inclusions inside quartz. The hardness is around a 6.5 and the specific gravity is very heavy, 5.02. The refractive index is very high and over the limits of a refractometer. Iron Pyrite is a very abundant mineral found world wide.