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Links to friends websites
Judy Hall -is a past life therapist and karmic astrologer for over 40 years. An internationally known author, psychic, healer, broadcaster and workshop leader, her books have been translated into fifteen languages. She recently appeared in the Watkins Review of the one hundred most spiritually influential authors.
Learn About Reiki, its history and how it's used.
Learn About Chakra's, it's history and how it's used with stones and crystals.
​ Visit Chris's mineral collecting page. Great reference for New Jersey minerals.
Melody Crystals UK-Naturally Universal Melody LIITE Crystal Healing Workshops and don't forget to purchase her books, they are the best!
​ -visit Toks Beverley Coker who has created through love and light and offered humbly to serve you in your personal journey to a healthy mind, body and spirit.
Karal Studio's- Dedicated to excellence in stained glass, crystal art and technology.
Gator Girl Rocks -America's best website to learn where to dig rocks in your state! Have fun!
Dakota Matrix Minerals- Beautiful Mineral Gallery, rare minerals for sale and much more!
Dave's Rock Shop- Dave offers super quality fossils, rocks and minerals, plus a great read about his life rockhounding!
​ The United Kingdom's best website that offers links to minerals, gemstones, beads, and crystals.
​ A huge directory of websites that offer links to gemstone, mineral, and crystal websites. Wonderful!
More -is a wonderful directory of healing websites, learn about the healing world and much more.
Washington State Mineral Council- Learn about rockhounding areas in our state. See which areas are open to collecting and which are closed.
​ Information about the mineral kingdom. Gemstones, crystals, and other mineral related stuff.
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies- To promote popular interest and education in the various Earth Sciences, and in particular the subjects of Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Lapidary and other related subjects.
​ lots and lots of informative links to minerals, gemstones and crystals.
​ Since 1934, American Gem Society has been making it easier and safer to buy jewelry of any kind. Even if you don’t know the first thing about cut and clarity, they can help you, educate you, and point you in the direction of jewelers that are dedicated to protecting you.
​ -helps you to attract your soul mate, discover your life purpose, embrace your intuition, truly love yourself, create a joyful future, improve your relationships, and connect with your angels and guides.
Azure Moon Jewelry and Gifts- We specialize in unique, handcrafted Sterling Silver and gemstone jewelry, Metaphysical crystal and mineral jewelry and products, gemstone and mineral eggs, Quartz crystal balls and unique gifts for every occasion.
Paradigm Shift -Britain's Best Loved Spiritual Magazine!
Spirit-Nrg Crystals - A helpful site to learn about the healing properties of crystals.
Reiki Montana - Links to websites that offer Reiki Training, Reiki Healing and meditation.
Pagan Rights Coalition - The PRC is a non~profit organization as well as a group created to promote religious tolerance, regardless of anyone's religious affiliation.
Of -Holistic, Spiritual & Self-Improvement Articles, Interviews, Links & Online Magazine.
EnergyRing,com - Jewelry for Health and Beauty by Isidro.
Robyn A Harton Creative - Handmade Jewelry and Web Design.
Reiki Center of Greater Washington - Everything to do with the sacred healing art of Reiki.
Universal Love - A wonderful website offering links to other healing websites.
A-Z Directory - A large database of links to healing stones and crystal websites.
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