How to use Boji® Stones
Boji® Information and Testimonials
The Boji® Stones had been waiting there for millions of years when Karen's grandfather brought her to them. This was not the discovery of their presence; others knew they were there but considered them to be worthless little black rocks. Rather, this was the beginning of the discovery of their essence and purpose. When Karen first saw the stones, she thought they were alive because she could feel the energy that had been locked within them since the birth of the planet-she could feel them wiggle like Mexican jumping beans! That was the basis of a mysterious feeling of connection with them which never faltered during what became her mission to prove their worth.
Karen describes her first encounter with the Boji® and the way they got their name-in her own words: "When I was little, probably three, I had a crow I named 'Boji®. No one knew where the name came from because I had been raised in close connection with animals and made mostly animal sounds at that age. However, people interpreted this as my inability to pronounce something correctly.My grandfather took me to a mound of earth on his land that looked like a pyramid I saw these little black stones sitting on stems. I picked one up, held it, and felt it pulsate. I looked up at my grandfather and asked him if they were Boji's® You see, the stones were black and shiny like my pet crow's feathers, and they were surrounded by little mounds of earth that looked like nests. I thought they must have been eggs laid by my crow! That was the beginning of the name".
The way that Bojis® were first found, there was one crystallized one in the center and 20-50 smooth ones around it. Karen decided that the center one was a chauvinistic and had a harem! The crystallized center stones are found as large as 5 pounds at the most. Females outnumber males in nature, males are usually heavier in weight, and males are "showier" than females in most species (for example, birds). Therefore, prices are higher for "males" simply because there are less of them. Each Boji® has an electromagnetic energy with a negative and a positive side. For purposes of physical energy balancing or healing, normally two stones are paired, one of which is crystallized or "male", the other is which is smooth or "female". The male stone is placed on the weak side of the body (either the side that is damaged, or the left side for right-handed people or vice versa). However, two smooth or two rough stones can also be paired. In this instance, the stone that is heavier should be placed on the weak side. Karen is now assembling twenty years of notes, knowledge and channeled information on the Bojis®. A book containing more detailed information on all subjects touched upon this brochure, especially the specific use of Bojis® for physical balancing and the healing of a variety of physical conditions, will be forthcoming.
Crystal Deva’s Rainbow Boji Meditation-By Kellie Jo Conn, GG the crystal deva ©Copyright 2000
Let us prepare for meditation….This meditation can be done out of doors on a nice day, or if you prefer to be indoors this is fine as well. The main objective is to find a place where you feel the most comfortable without being disturbed. I prefer to meditate out of doors in the woods surrounding my home, the tall evergreen trees give me a sense of security which allow me to explore even deeper aspects of myself. If you prefer to be indoors take the phone off the hook, turn down the lights, add relaxing music of you wish and light a candle and/or incense. Let's get comfy!
Now I would like you to sit in the lotus position (cross-legged) or if you prefer to lie down, this is fine as well. Hold the female RB stone in your left hand and the male RB stone in your right hand. Take three deep, long breaths inhaling through your nose, exhaling through your mouth. Feel your lungs expanding with each of these deep breaths and contracting on the exhale. Allow your breath to return to its normal rhythm and begin to relax your physical body. From your toes, work your way to the top of your head telling each area to completely relax and to remain calm and quiet. With the body relaxed, allow any thoughts that enter your mind to float by as you continue to feel more and more comfortable, relaxed and calm.
I would like you to visualize yourself standing in a desert, the sun is shining and you feel the warmth of the sun on your head, it feels so good that you take a moment to just stand and bask in this warmth…….. You look ahead and around you at the immense beauty of the desert, you notice the plants; sage, yarrow and cacti, these plants seem to be radiating an intense white glow like you have never experienced before, you are curious and begin to approach a huge glowing sagebrush. This sagebrush seems to be calling you and you become more curious walking closer and closer, all the while basking in the warm golden light of the sun. As you approach this beautiful father sage, you notice a tremendous feeling of security; you have no fear only love and compassion flowing through you like waves in a calm ocean.
You look down on the ground in front of the sage and notice a pair of Rainbow Boji Stones. Curious, you pick them up. Holding them in your hands, the intense sunlight reflects off of their surface and you see a huge rainbow fanning out in front of you. Each color of this rainbow is vivid; it too seems to be beckoning you forward, closer and closer to this beautiful rainbow. You see the beginning of the rainbow and watch as it expands more and more into the sky, it looms over you in complete silence. Still holding the RB Stones, take a few moments to look at this rainbow and to breath in each color. I would like you to begin with red and start to breath in this color. Breathe in thru your nose and allow the healing color of red to flow down through your entire body, down to your feet and then watch it as it floats back up through your body and then exhaled out of your mouth. Do this with each color, orange, yellow, green, light blue, indigo and violet. Always the adventurer, you look closer and decide to follow this rainbow to see where it ends. You are feeling very light on your feet almost as if you are floating; once again notice your surroundings, the beautiful desert, the plants and rocks. You are feeling very secure; walking on a path you follow the rainbow. Finally, you see what you perceive to be the end of the rainbow, you become excited, what shall you find?? You find yourself basking in the light of the Boji Stone rainbow….
Remember this is your meditation and there are no limits, only those you wish to impose on yourself. You may stay in the desert for as long as you like. When you are ready to return, focus your attention back to your breath and slowly come back into your body. You may wish to stay seated for awhile after meditation. I like to use this time to reflect on what I have just experienced. When you feel like getting back to your routine, then do so.
Handle them often and give them sunlight once or twice a week. They prefer the morning light of the red rays and the afternoon blue rays. They also like the rays of a full moon. If you desire to clean them, use baking soda and a toothbrush. To energetically cleanse them I prefer to use Sage smoke. Simply light the sage stick, get it smoking and then pass each Boji stone through the smoke saying a short prayer such as "Dear Spirit, please cleanse my boji stones and activate them for the highest good". thank you.
The following is from "Body, Mind and Spirit" Magazine, June 1989 The Amazing Boji
Boji Stones are the newest rage since crystals ranging in color from dark gray to black, and on a rare occasion, beautiful rainbow colors. These oval stones come in pairs, male and female. Both are rough in texture and opaque. The male stone has tiny angular projections while the female is smooth. They are found among fossils and petrified bones near slate. As the rain washes away the slate, Boji's emerge on stems looking like rock mushrooms.
Boji's are rumored to possess balancing powers and are excellent for healing. Those who are sensitive to vibrations of stones note an immediate sensation of energy when the rocks are held. It is claimed that the Boji's are held together by the energy within them which can be augmented by the loving attention of their owners, and if the stones are neglected they will gradually turn to dust. We received a pair of Boji's to test and most of the office staff felt a strong energy from them. One staff member successfully used them to relieve a headache.
“I believed from the time I first saw them as a child they were of value, and I loved them. My grandfather used to say if you love something or someone and believe in the value of the object you love you can activate and bring forth the good that is within that person or thing. People or things can fail to live up to what you wish them to be, but love and belief is a power that gathers atoms into molecules. Love and belief turn hope and faith into a reality.”
The following is one author's scientific view of the Boji Stone. By Michael Nisbet
Other geologists think they are some form of meteorite!
As we transit into the new era of relative enlightenment, an interesting phenomena has become observable. Individually we aspire and grow spiritually, thereby collectively, then our range of contacts in all realms expands correspondingly. The interesting phenomena is that because of the accelerated growth that humanity is experiencing, "new" discoveries of minerals and crystals not seen before are surfacing on the market. It is no coincidence that this is occurring. These "new" discoveries are happening at an increasing rate and are exciting indeed! I could list several stones here, but will limit discussion to the Boji stone. The area is which they are found is an erosional area sculpted by climatic forces into a uniquely beautiful area referred to as the "badlands". This area covers many square miles. Eons ago, this area was submerged under an in-land sea, where countless marine organisms thrived. As time marched on, this sea began to dwindle and evaporate as the land began to rise and the climate shifted drastically. Consequently, the old sea floor was no longer covered by water and countless tons of sediment. This floor was covered by marine organisms that had flourished and died.
Later, conditions were correct for fossilization of the shells and hard parts of various invertebrates, among them brachiopods. These brachiopods, after fossilization, became concretions. The iron sulfides in inherent in the decaying organisms attracted more sulfides in the environment until a rough disk or spherical shape or shell surrounded by original fossil. Eons later, through more earth changes, the metamorphic process of heat and pressure altered these concretions to the point that the metallic including trace amounts of palladium were drawn in. It is in the opinion of the author that this palladium present is responsible for the fact that the Boji Stones are effective healing stones. Palladium is a rare metal, more scarce than gold, or even platinum, and vibrates at a very high frequency. Rutgers University Geology Department did a study on Boji Stones and found that through kirlian photography, Boji stones were seen to have a very powerful electromagnetic energy field. Many stones were seen to have four nodal points of energy extrusion.
I have worked with Boji stones for three years now, and have had an opportunity to objectively observe certain phenomena after some experimentation. It was observed that the Boji stones tend to catalyze a balancing process. For example, if an organic system such as the liver or the spleen were deficient or low in energy, the Boji stone could be held near that area and would tangibly stimulate it by channeling pranic energy. This would continue until a state of equilibrium had been reached through repeated applications. In addition, it has been observed that the Boji stones definitely affect a grounding energy. Boji stones are also useful when a person is around a lot of crystal energies, such as a gem show, or around significant crystal collections. The grounding afforded by the Boji stone prevents from crystal-burn out or over amplification. If the person tends to be a space cadet, the Boji helps them to remain more earthbound.
I realize that my own perceptions and observations are subjective and necessarily limited. Having listened to feedback from many persons I have supplied with Boji stones, it has universally been observed that the Boji's are effective in bringing about a state of harmony or balance and that they do tend to ground energies. Further experimentation with Boji stones in the hands of many open minded and intuitive people will undoubtedly will reveal other attributes not yet discovered.
Boji Stone Testimonials
Rich writes that the Boji Stones helped his friend deliver a baby, she was very nervous during delivery and started to have breathing problems. Rich gave her a set of Boji stones to hold and her deliver became less harsh, she easily delivered a 7 lb baby named Abigail. One day little Abby was very colicky and could not rest, all she did was cry. Rich placed a set of Boji Stones in her crib and she became very calm and could get to sleep.
Steve wrote to tell me that he had a bad butter burn, reached for a boji stone, placed the boji on the burn and the burn did not bubble or turn red. It was as if he had never experienced the burn! Stay tuned for more testimonials to the effects of the amazing boji stone. Sheila has suffered from lower back pain for 10 years. After using the Boji Stones for two days, she started to feel a tremendous relief. Now Sheila uses the Boji Stones once a week to keep her lower back pain free.
Jenna tells me that she keeps a set of Boji Stones in the refrigerator, when her muscles become tense and sore, she uses the cool Boji stones for instant relief.
I am fed up of reading in crystal healing books “that there are no proved healings documented” about the power of these fantastic, mystical stones. So just to tell you about what happened to me the other day, that proves the power of the Boji. I was at work when I banged my arm so hard that the bruising was instant. I had a huge black bruise and my arm was swollen and very sore.
I went home with a limp arm that I thought would be so stiff and sore the following day, from the impact of it against the metal bar, that I decided to put my Boji to good use. I meditated for 15 minutes with a stone in each hand then applied them to my bruise and strapped them on overnight. I woke in the morning and (bare in mind the bruise was so big that the Boji did not cover it all) found the bruise, pain and swelling gone. All that remained was a faded ring of bruising where the Boji had not covered it. Even my fella could not believe they were so powerful. So I have every faith in my special stones and all those non believers need to try it for themselves and stop being skeptic. Vertigo X
My wife usually isn't in to stones/crystals at all. When I unpacked the bojis, my wife asked to see them. she held them for a minute or so while i was in the other room. when I came back, her face was flushed, beads of perspiration had broken out on her forehead, and tears were streaming down her face. she asked me to take the stones back, and I asked her if everything was ok. she said she was fine. very strange reaction, but not something she perceived as negative, she has held them since, but not for any extended period of time :-). I find it a bit odd, since for me the stones are very powerful, yet very soothing. I carry them in my pockets all the time and meditate with them in the evening. Anyway, just thought i would pass this on. I recommended your site to a friend of mine who has recently discovered crystals. hopefully he will pick up a pair of bojis to experience them for himself.
Thanks again,
My recent order has arrived and I wanted to thank you so very much for choosing such beautiful Boji stones (awesome energy), sparkling Oregon Sunstones which have a warm, gentle and very healing energy to them as well as your generous gift of incense (what a wonderful aroma). The Reiki energy with which you so graciously imbued the Boji and Sunstones brought tears to my eyes upon holding each. The gentleness and patience you extended to me in our telephone conversation showed me that you are a very special, gifted lady indeed and the treasures that you have given us access to shows that Mother Earth has chosen you to be a channel for her energy. I look forward to expanding my spiritual horizons with these beauties. I know I will order from you again. Blessings and light to you, Kellie.
Dennise Lucas
Kellie Jo,
I have a few thoughts on the Boji's. I think that they interact with the yellow chakra, which is why they heal. I think that the interaction one feels that is not measured as magnetic but is clearly felt, is an energetic boundary layer that serves to contain the life force of the stones. It is similar to a biological cell membrane you might have learned about in high school biology class, except that it serves to retain the continuity of the chi or life energy of the stones, instead of biological material. Also, we bought a rainbow obsidian in the shape of a heart and use it for spiritual energy protection. The stone helps me to see the white flecks of the chi of negativity to see who and what is disturbing harmony. Just point it at the individual or source of perceived negativity, or search for the negativity by focusing inward into the stone and turning it until the flecks of white chi are seen, then look to see with you eyes what the stone is reacting to. One of the rainbow obsidian's properties appears to be that it can act like a loadstone to help perceive the source of negativity, displaying it as the flecks of white chi in a much clearer manner than the dark obsidian.
Jim david
Hi Kellie
Hopefully this email is received by Karen G. I met you at the Denver Rock show around the year 1999-2000. You might remember me, I bought and also traded you some of my Handmade Silver Jewelry (a chain for your niece, I think) for some Bojis... I still have them and they are some of my most treasured possessions.
I am emailing to say THANK YOU for being in my Life and my consciousness. I am only today realizing the series of events that has transpired for me in the past 30 years and where I AM. It is fantastic and I am very happy about it. Discovering Bojis back in the the 80s was a very important thing for me.
I was just reading on your Webpage that Bojis act as a grounding affect for those who are exposed to a large amount of crystal energy... this would be me! Although I have given away about 90% of the crystals I had at one time I still have a large amount of SUPERB crystals (points, fadens, shards, etc, -- I live in Arkansas). I always felt that a time would come when these crystals would be needed by others and THEN I would give them to those people as required. This is beginning to happen. I have also given at least 2 sets of my Bojis to exceptional people I have known who I felt could use them in their own healing practices.
Recently I had a friend who was diagnosed with Radial Nerve Palsy in his left arm. This was quite serious because he is a great guitar player and suddenly he could not even lift his arm. I handed him a set of Bojis and told him to hold them (intuitively) and it wouldn't take long before the energy would soon flow again in his arm. Well, he took the suggestion and is already playing the guitar again in just a few weeks. He had never heard of Bojis but is a believer now. I am very happy that I was able to help him with his self doubts. We have become good friends. Thanks again for doing what you do. As I type this I am sending you my warmest regards for your Life and your gift. Many blessings to you-
Steve Stramel
Hi Kellie
I just stumbled across your webpage about Boji stones. It is very interesting to read about those stones since I have/had a pair for many, many years now. I bought my first pair about 20 years ago in Switzerland in a little shop for healing crystals. I was immediately attracted to the pair (which was one of about 5 the lady had at her shop). Those two have been my constant companions for about 6 years until I got separated from them on a holiday trip to Australia . Losing them (they actually got stolen form our rental car along with several other things) was like losing a friend. After returning home I went to the same shop and got myself another pair. I found that the boji chooses the person – not the other way around, and so I ended up with a new pair of very good friends.
This pair has now gone with me and my family through a lot of up’s and down’s and they have never failed me. I carry them wherever I go. At night they are on my bedside table and wait like a faithful friend, to be picked up again in the morning. I also take them to important meetings, job interviews, tests and basically everywhere I go. I never take them to beach, I don’t think they ‘like’ saltwater…. J.
When my mother-in-law got very sick, she was suffering from multiple sclerosis for many years, she started to get involved with healing stone therapy and she ended up getting a pair of Boji as well. She since passed away and the Boji are now in our possession.
In this story I just wanted to let you know how wonderful the stones are and how a stone can become a very good friend and a helper in good and bad times. (Sounds like a wedding vow..). I hope that the pair I lost so many years ago will have found new owners or have gone back to where they have come from – back to mother earth.
All the best from Perth in Australia
Markus Israng