These are AAA grade lovely Blue Apatite cabochons, use in your jewelry creations or to lay on your body for healing.
Blue Apatite aids in self-expression, communication and creativity. Some say Blue Apatite clears mental confusion. Some like to use Apatite to aid clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and the awareness of other worlds; either devic or outer worlds. Physically, Apatite may decrease hunger, use as an elixir or wear the stone on your person.
Numerology- Apatite vibrates to the number 9. This is a very spiritual number as well as one of endings.
Gemological Properties- Apatite is from the Grek ‘apate’ or deceit, because it is often mistaken for other gemstone species. The chemical composition is Ca3(F,CI,) (PO4)3. The refractive index is 1.636 and offers a hardness of 5 on the Moes’ Scale. Apatite is a very abundant stone, found all over the world. However the main gemstone suppliers are Mexico, Brazil, and Burma.
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