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Lepidolite Gem Crystals

4th chakra. Connects heart and crown to bring spiritual understanding to why we suffer.  Allows us to understand our place in life and the Universal plan.  Brings acceptance, calm and trust in life.  For many, this stone heals fear at its source in this or past lifetimes. These are beautiful shards of gem grade Lepidolite, very nice!

Lepidolite Gem Crystals

  • Metaphysical Properties- Connects heart and crown to bring spiritual understanding to why we suffer.  Allows us to understand our place in life and the Universal plan.  Brings acceptance, calm and trust in life.  For many, this stone heals fear at its source in this or past lifetimes. It will help you to contact spirit guides, angels, and other entities you wish to converse with. It is an awesome stone to help one discover the spirit in everyday life. Plus, the feel of Lepidolite Mica is very soothing, just rubbing my fingers over this stone, makes me feel whole and that I am one with the Universe. Lepidolite is also used for balancing the heart & head and helping to lift the feeling of emotional depression (the more lavender colour).  The more pink version can also help in dealing with the emotional denial which can happen when the mental body takes over and tries to intellectually deal with the loss rather than emotionally feel it.  Lepidolite seems to be one of the most common stones for depression.  Pink Lepidolite works best if the mental body is more dominant and the heart needs to be brought into balance with that. Lavender or Purplish Lepidolite is better if someone is very emotional and the aim is to bring the mental body more into play.


    Numerology- Lepidolite vibrates to the number 8.  The number 8 is about personal power and abundance.


    Gemological Properties- Lepidolite offers a chemical composition of KLi2(OH,F)2(ALSi4O10) whew!!  Lepidolite is usually seen in scaly aggregates, sometimes with individual crystals no more than 1/4 inch.  It belongs to the monoclinic crystal system.  The refractive index runs 1.530, specific gravity is 2.8.  A very soft stone, being a 2.5 on the Moe's Scale.  It is fairly abundant, the major sources being California, USA, Madagascar and Brazil. 

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