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Manganocalcite Massage Wands

Metaphysical Properties- Sedimentary formation through precipitation.  This particular material is formed by water carrying calcite and manganese in solution, large masses or veins were formed when this solution solidified between rocks.  The distinct banding in this material tells me that this solution solidified and then another generation of solution filled in on top of the first one and once again solidified.  I have a sneaky suspicion that this stone relates to the development of the 7 chakras and transpersonal point.  The time in which the first solution solidified may relate to the time in which the first chakra develops.   Heart/love is a predominant energy in this stone. Heart chakra. This stone gives us the 'motherly love' that we may be missing, fills in this space.  Being a heart based stone it allows you to love yourself and others, it has a gentle and calming nature.  Soft pink with white bands.  We could say that this stone allows us to 'band' together, does this through gentleness and understanding. Being a water based sedimentary stone this is telling me that this stone is for the emotional body. Allowing your emotions to flow like a body of water, (stream or creek). Just as life flows so should or emotions. This stone gives us the 'motherly love' that we may be missing, fills in this space.  Being a heart based stone it allows you to love yourself and others, it has a gentle and calming nature.  Soft pink with white bands.  We could say that this stone allows us to 'band' together, does this through gentleness and understanding. Balances the hormones and lessons anxiety. Use in love rituals and rights of passage.


Numerology-  Master 55/1.  -Has to do with accessing Higher Mind (55) and channeling it through your individuality (1). 55 is a direct line to the mind of God or as some call it, the akashic records. It is calling upon you to responsibly harness and direct the knowledge that is attainable now. There are also changes taking place and many choices ahead. Responsible choices must be made and the route to these is through the Higher Mind. Melody describes it as: The extension of occurrences to facilitate knowledge with ease is advanced such that approach to each event/condition/experience is with absolute precision and beneficial construction.  The concept of approach via strategic techniques is reflected in 55.


Gemological Properties-Manganocalcite is a form of calcite with a high content of magnesium, this colors the stone pink.  There is not much written on this stone gemologically as it is fairly new to the market. It is a fairly soft stone which is now seen in carvings and tumbled stones.  The main source is Mexico. 

Manganocalcite Massage Wands

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