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Seraphinite Tumbled Stones
7th chakra. Clinochlore forms from the metamorphic and hydrothermal alterations of other iron and magnesium silicate minerals. The variety seraphinite has silvery chatoyant fibers much like charoite. It has a vitreous to pearly luster. The crystalline structure is monoclinic. Psychic impressions suggest this is the most effective stone for cellular regeneration and can cause a flush of pure healing energy. It acts as a trigger, causing old patterns of disease or imbalance to all away and new patterns to be created. It is the premier healing stone of this age. It is the tool most suited to bringing the physical body into line with the Light energy. While the beautiful green shade is perfect for the heart chakra, it can be used on any chakra or any other part of the body where enhance and harmonized energies are desired. By Melody.



    This material has been known for years in Russia as a curious minor by product of the iron mine at  Korshunovskoe. Very few pieces of it ever made its way past the iron curtain to the west. It has since been “discovered” by the new age movement for its meta physical properties which vary according to which metaphysical guru you listen to. It also makes attractive cabochons for jewelry and because the supply is not great, these dual uses keep the price of the material higher than it would otherwise be.

    Gemological Properties- (Mg,Fe2+)5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8, Monoclinic.  Clinochlore is the most common of the chlorite group minerals and has been found at many localities. It is usually found as a component of rocks, but is know in well formed crystals from a few places. Usually when it is found crystalized, it is found in little blebs of rounded green or olive green crystals a few mm in diameter. Probably the best locality for crystalized clinochlore is the old and much revered Tilly Foster, Iron Mine in New York. In the 18th and 19th centuries it produced many fine mineral specimens that are cherished as classics today. This mine has produced the best clinochlore crystals know so far, but now they are rarely seen outside of advanced collections and even a modest specimen can cost over a thousand dollars if you can find one. This new locality in Russia is the only one that has produced good lapidary grade clinochlore. When the mine closes this material will also quickly become a classic.

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