6th chakra, Third eye. Balances the third eye. Encourages one to begin psychic visions, aids in letting go of control, soothes and heals the central nervous system. Sodalite helps you to get your thoughts in order and encourages your memory. Some enjoy Sodalite for speaking engagements, use with Amazonite to voice your thoughts to others. Great for group and community settings. Nice rough chunks. |
Metaphysical Properties- 6th chakra, Balances the third eye. Encourages one to begin psychic visions, aids in letting go of control, soothes and heals the central nervous system. Sodalite clears the mind for deeper and wiser thinking. It aids logic along with opening third eye intuition, stabilizing mental processes and aiding the shift from emotional to rational thinking. Use it if you are a person who over reacts emotionally, Sodalite is very positive and grounding. It also clears old mental patterns, opening the way for new habits and thought forms. Sodalite is the color Indigo which symbolizes wisdom and psychic activities. A few characteristics of this color include; access to the source of all knowledge, master of yourself, can receive guidance, and non-attachment of material things. Some like to use stones in the indigo color to explore past lives and events from past lives. I feel indigo is a good color choice to help one give voice to thoughts and feelings.
Numerology- Vibrates to the number 4. Structure and hard work.
Gemological Properties- Sodalite is a mineral species belonging to the cubic crystal system. The chemical composition is Na8,Al6,Si6,O24,Cl2. Semi-transparent to opaque in appearance, usually dark blue to violetish blue, often with white veining. Sometimes referred to as Canadian Lapis. The refractive index is 1.483, specific gravity is 2.25. Hardness is 5-6. Major sources are Brazil, Canada, and Namibia.