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Sulfur Specimen-2
3rd chakra, Solar Plexus. This is a wonderful mineral to aid assimilation and digestion. Sulfur is a good stone to take with you when traveling, eating unfamiliar food can play havoc on the system! Some say that Sulfur aids weight loss by allowing the food to digest and assimilate properly. It is also used to detoxify the body of accumulated toxins and environmental pollutants.

Sulfur Specimen-2

  • Metaphysical Properties- Sulfur assists in the removal of negative thoughts and emotions that may possibly manifest into physical disease.  It has long been used by the South American Indians in healing ceremonies, possibly to bring in the energies of the four directions.  Sulfur is a wonderful mineral to aid assimilation and digestion. Sulfur is a good stone to take with you when traveling, eating unfamiliar food can play havoc on the system! Some say that Sulfur aids weight loss by allowing the food to digest and assimilate properly. It is also used to detoxify the body of accumulated toxins and environmental pollutants.  Some like to use it as a fumigant to discourage infestations of insects.


    Numerology- Vibrates to the number 7.  Wisdom and faith.


    Gemological Properties- Sulfur is a mineral species in the Orthorhombic crystal system, the chemical composition is pure Sulfur, sometimes contains Selenium and Tellurium.  The refractive index is around 1.95 and the specific gravity is 2.07.  Sulfur is a very soft mineral, only a 1-2 on the hardness scale.  Sulfur is usually seen as vivid yellow crystals on matrix.  The main localities for this mineral are Mexico, California, USA, and Italy.

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