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3rd chakra, Solar Plexus. Helps one to discover their life's purpose. Evokes courage and heals fear. Supports the life force! I find Sunstone to be a very happy and joyful energy.  Hold one when you are feeling down, they will immediately cheer you up! These are nice pieces, some light reds and nice schillar, let me know your preference. 


  • Metaphysical Properties- From working with Oregon Sunstone I have found this beautiful stone to aid issues of fear.  This can be all fear issues including fear of the unknown, fear of success, fear of failure, etc.  With learning to release this fear you discover your courageous side!  Sunstone is wonderful if you are in a situation in which courage is what you are trying to achieve.  Some say that this stone is also good for re-vitalizing the life force energy.


    Numerology- Vibrates to the number 1.  Leadership and independence.


    Gemological Properties- Sunstone is from the Plagioclase Feldspar group of minerals which also include Labradorite, Spectrolite and Oligoclase.  Sunstone is typically yellow or orange to brown with a reddish or golden sheen from highly reflective inclusions (copper platelets).  The chemical composition varies between NaAlSi3O8 and CaAl2Si2O8. Usually seen in rough, carved and cut gemstones.  Sunstone is classified as a phenomenal gemstone.  The refractive index is 1.537-1.547 and offers a specific gravity of 2.65.  Hardness is 6-6.5.  The major sources are Finland, Canada, India, Madagascar, and Oregon, USA. 

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